Red Team Notes

Sorted Linux notes, need to separate to different pages and reorganize

Hack Responsibly.

Always ensure you have explicit permission to access any computer system before using any of the techniques contained in these documents. You accept full responsibility for your actions by applying any knowledge gained here.


Website for searching for shells through random programs such as vi "living off the land binaries": GTFObins

Remote Code Execution

Run commands on remote system without a shell through SSH with a "Herefile". HERE can be anything, but it must begin and end with the same word.

ssh <user>@<server> << HERE

Misc Linux

Raw memory location so no files on disk: /dev/shm/

list all running commands:

ps -eo command`
#change delimiter to \n instead of <space> (loop by line): 
#Then loop through each line in output: 
for i in $(ps -eo command); do echo $i; done

Cat file directly to clipboard script to copy contents of file directly to clipboard; Save in PATH location then enjoy!

#! /bin/bash
xclip -selection clipboard -i $@

'new' netstat: ss -lnp | grep 9001 #check if any connections on port 9001

copy files to local machine without file transfer:

base64 -w 0 /path/of/file/name.file 
#copy base64 then: 
echo -n <base64material> | base64 -d > filename.file

pretty print JSON text in console ( Pipe the JSON output to jq. Example from NASA ISS API: curl -s | jq

Check encoding of a text file

vi -c 'let $enc = &fileencoding | execute "!echo Encoding: $enc" | q' <file_to_check> check encoding of a text file (needed especially when doing crypto with python, or cracking passwords with rockyou.txt - hint: needs latin encoding!) (how to make an alias for the above command)

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